Due to the unprecedented effects of Covid-19, Marquette has shifted to an online, remote learning environment. We’ll continue to operate as a chapter, with certain limitations.
Our brothers came together virtually for the first time for chapter Sunday night. For the rest of the semester meetings will have to be conducted this way. We will continue to adapt as we strive to make sure everyone feels included and connected even when self-isolated.
In a period of cancellations and postponements, unfortunately we’re no different. All planned events for the semester, including Semi-Formal, have been cancelled. Virtual activities and events are in the process of being planned to help our brothers remain connected.
Some important things to be aware of in regards to the ongoings of the chapter:
- Dues are still being paid.
- Fantasy Academics continue as teams conduct virtual meetings. And awards will still be given out!
- BMP challenges are also still ongoing. Rituals will take place upon a return to campus.
- Our new members will be receiving their bigs by the end of the semester!
As we all continue to navigate these troubling times, we remember our commitment to the fraternity. As a brotherhood we support each other through these difficulties presented and we uphold our Balanced Men virtues. Reach out to brothers and support each other as we adjust to a new way of life for the time being.
Stay safe. Self-isolate. And wash your hands.